CHAS or its predecessor (Canterbury Archaeological Society) has been responsible for a limited range of historical booklets over recent decades. Images are shown at the foot of this page.
A) For five publications we are offering PDF versions for downloading without charge (click this link to download). They are:
The Normans in Canterbury, William Urry, 1959
Becket’s Murderers, Professor Nicholas Vincent, 2004
Monastic Dress in the Middle Ages, Barbara Harvey, 1988
Thomas Becket and France, Robert Franklin, 1980
Vikings, Monks and the Millennium, Richard Eales and Richard Gameson, 2000.
B) Another title is available on sale from Eastbridge Hospital:
The Ancient Hospitals and Almshouses of Canterbury by Derek Ingram Hill and Marjorie Lyle, 1969 & 2004
C) Two other Society publications are currently out of print but may be found in libraries or second hand book shops:
Thomas Becket and his clerks, Professor Frank Barlow, 1987
The Monks of Canterbury and the Murder of Archbishop Becket, Professor Sir Richard Southern, 1985
If you need help or advice in acquiring any of these publications, please get in in touch