Redemption Window

This original early 13th century window with some 19th century replacements, is in the centre window of the Corona (Image 1).  It is similar to the two Bible windows in that it is a teaching medium but of great sophistication, using five scenes from the New Testament (NT) in the centre of the window, alternately square and diamond shapes, each being surrounded by four Old Testament (OT) scenes which relate to the NT scenes.

What to see (from the bottom):

  • the first central NT scene is that of the Crucifixion; this is surrounded by (below) The Grapes of Eschcol, (left) Moses striking the rock, (above)the offering of Isaac and (right) the Passover (Image 2)
  • The second central NT scene is the Entombment: this is surrounded by (below left) Joseph and the Pit, (upper left) Samson and Delilah, (upper right) Jonah cast into the sea and (lower right) Daniel in Babylon (Image 3)
  • The third central NT scene is a modern one of the Resurrection and three of the surrounding scenes are also modern but the lower scene is the Burning Bush, which is 13th century (Image 4)
  • The fourth central NT scene is the Ascension surrounded by: (lower left) the High Priest entering the Holy of Holies, (upper left) the Ascension of Elijah, (upper right) the Sun Dial of Ahaz, and (lower right) the Translation of Enoch (Image 5)
  • The final(top) central NT scene is Pentecost surrounded by: (below) Moses receiving the Tables of Laws, (left) the Consecration of Aaron, (above) Christ in Majesty and (right) Moses and Jethro (Image 6)