Odet de Coligny (1517-1571)
Cardinal de Chatillon, Bishop of Beauvais, Archbishop of Toulouse – click here for further details.
Odet de Coligny died in Canterbury en route for the continent. His tomb is described in John Dart’s 1726 work, The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, and the Once-adjoining Monastery: “at the Feet of Bishop Courtnay, between two of the Pillars bending Circularly is a plain Tomb of Bricks, made like a round lidded Chest, or not unlike a Turf Grave, but Higher, and compos’d of Bricks plaster’d over, and Painted with a lead Colour.”
The memorial tablet on the Trinity Chapel column to the east of the tomb is by Cecil Thomas FRBS and was completed in 1952. In the following year Thomas won the competition to design two British coins, the florin and the sixpence. The wall memorial is carved from Caen Stone with an inset tablet of polished Purbeck Marble. It is said to be designed in a style consistent with the sixteenth century and bears the coat of arms of the Coligny family carved in relief.