Edward of Woodstock, Prince of Wales (1330 – 1376)
Known as The Black Prince
Design and construction attributed to Henry Yevele.
Edward was the eldest son of King Edward III and Philippa of Hainault. His last days were spent at Westminster Palace following a long illness (said to be six years). Upon his death his body was taken to Canterbury. The prince died the year before his father passed away. Edward’s will specified the burial arrangements to be carried out by Richard II, his son, then aged 9. Although Edward had specified the crypt at Canterbury Cathedral as his place of burial his tomb was constructed in the much more prestigious location of the Trinity Chapel, close to Becket’s shrine. The tomb and epitaph were completed as detailed by Edward and took nine years to manufacture.
The chest tomb is of Purbeck Marble evidence that this polished stone was much prized and fit for royalty. The monument is further described here.