
Research and Publication Grants

The Society has limited funds available to award a grant to individuals researching any aspect of the history or archaeology of Canterbury and its region. It is envisaged that a grant would not normally exceed £500.

Preference would be given to work resulting in publication in any media.

The latest round of applications (made by emailing the Honorary Secretary of the Grants Committee) closes at midnight, 30th June 2025.

Applications should mention:

  • Your qualifications
  • The nature and length of your research
  • The title of your project
  • The stage you have reached in your research  
  • The sum of money you are applying for, including a breakdown of the total by type of expense
  • Any additional funding anticipated from other sources
  • Your proposals for publication
  • Your anticipated timetable.

You may be asked to name a referee whom the Committee making the grant could consult.

If successful, you would be expected to account for the money spent and give a copy of any article, pamphlet, etc., to the Society. A recipient may be invited to give a lecture to the Society at one of its monthly meetings. A summary of your research may be published on the Society’s website:

For further details, please contact Stephen Smith, the Honorary Secretary of the Grants Committee, by email at

May 2024