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The oldest identifiable tomb in the crypt is that of Joan de Mohun to the south of the altar of Our Lady Undercroft. This important position indicates the extent of her benefactions to the Priory. The tomb is a recumbent effigy upon a chest with an elaborate canopy and was paid for by Lady Joan as the focal point of her chantry. The engraving in John Dart’s The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury (1726) shows the tomb in good condition. By 1800 Edward Hasted was to write of the tomb: “…but this has, as well as the rest of the monuments in this part of the undercroft, been from time to time much defaced by the carelessness of the workmen belonging to the church, who make this place the common repository for their materials, ladders and other such like unwieldy lumber; of course it is suffered to remain in a very filthy condition.” The tomb was restored in 1922 and in 1992, but still shows the signs of considerable damage.
The effigy of Lady Joan Mohun is of alabaster and she rests upon a tomb chest of Purbeck Marble. The low plinth is of Caen Stone as is presumably the original stone of the canopy. Repairs and replacements have been carried out to parts of the structure and the eastern uprights supporting the canopy are carved from an oolitic limestone.