- Abbot’s Mill Building
- Abbot’s mill fire (1933) – CT article
- About CHAS
- Abree, James (research note)
- Admiral Nelson
- Aedicule (architecture)
- African sculpture in Corona (cathedral)
- Alabaster Stone for Memorials (via stone index)
- Albert, Prince (cathedral statuettes)
- Alfred, King (cathedral statuettes)
- All Saints Court
- All Saints’ chapel (cathedral)
- Amnesty candle
- Ancaster stone (via stone index)
- Anchor (pattress) wall plates
- Angle buttress
- Anglo-Saxon (building style)
- Annulet
- Anselm chapel altar
- Anthony Swaine (1913-2013)
- Aphra Behn Statue
- Archbishop Meopham (c.1275-1333)
- Archbishop Morton (biography)
- Archbishop Peckham
- Archbishop Sudbury
- Archbishop Warham
- Archbishop’s chair or cathedra
- Archbishop’s throne in choir
- Arched timber door
- Arched transom
- Archibald Campbell Tait (1811–1882)
- Architectural styles index
- Arch index
- Argas Reflexus bug (CT article)
- Armenian stone
- Arrow loop
- Articles for Canterbury Times
- Arts & Crafts Architectural Style
- Art Deco (building style)
- Art Nouveau (building style)
- Arundel tower
- Ashlar
- Aubigny Stone
- Aumbry
- Austen, Jane (1775-1817) – English Novelist
- Australian Coat of Arms
- Babington, Margaret (memorial stones)
- Baedeker Raids (Research note)
- Baker, Stephen (biog)
- Balconette
- Balcony
- Baldock, William (biog)
- Baldock, William (in Research note on barracks)
- Baldock, William (Research note)
- Ball flower
- Bargeboard
- Barham, Rev
- Barkley, Robert – memorial
- Barley sugar column
- Barracks (in CT article on venereal disease)
- Barracks (Research note)
- Barrel vault
- Bar tracery
- Bastion
- Bastion chapel
- Bath Stone (in cathedral)
- Bath stone (in the city)
- Batter
- Bay window
- Beaney, James (memorial stones)
- Beaney, James (memorial)
- Beaney, James (biography)
- Beaufort, John, Earl of Somerset (memorial stones)
- Becket altar (Martyrdom)
- Becket Font in Sweden (Research note)
- Becket shrine (Trinity chapel)
- Becket statue in crypt
- Becket, Thomas (biog)
- Bee boles
- Bee boles in War Memorial garden
- Behn, Aphra (Research note)
- Belgian Black Limestone, aka Belgian Black Marble, aka Tournai Marble, aka touch marble
- Belgian Black Marble
- Bellamy, Richard (Dickie) (in Research note on Canterbury Fascists)
- Bellcote
- Bell from HMS Canterbury
- Bell Harry Tower
- Bench pew and box pew
- Bennett, Henry Boswell (biog)
- Bennet-Goldney, Francis (in CT article on a jade axe)
- Benson, Archbishop (biog)
- Benson, Archbishop (memorial)
- Bertha, Queen
- Bethersden Marble (via stones index)
- Bible niche
- Bible windows
- Bibliography
- Biggleston and ESLA lamps
- Biggleston cast iron foundry marks
- Biggleston domestic railings
- Biggleston Home page
- Biggleston lamp posts
- Biggleston metal covers
- Biggleston number collars
- Biggleston odd posts
- Biggleston (general)
- Billet moulding
- Biographies Index
- Blackfrairs
- Blackfriars
- Black Prince’s chantry (names of chapels)
- Black Prince’s chantry (via memorial stones index)
- Black Prince’s Chantry (Viewpoint 23)
- Black Prince’s Tomb
- Black Prince (biog)
- Black Prince (tomb)
- Black Prince (via stones index)
- Blaxland family
- Blind arcade
- Blind tracery
- Blind window
- Blondin, Charles (biog)
- Blondin, Charles (in Research note on Barracks)
- Blythe, Colin (in Research note on WW1)
- Bond (brickwork) index
- Books Published by the Oaten Hill District Society
- Boot scrapers
- Bossanyi Window
- Bosses – Lamb of God
- Bosses – SW porch
- Boundary Stones – county
- Boundary Stones – the parish
- Boundary stones (via Street scenes)
- Boundary & GPO Stones – an update
- Bourchier, Archbishop (biog)
- Bourchier, Archbishop (via memorial stones)
- Bow window
- Box frame
- Box pew
- Boys, Dean John (biog)
- Boys, Sir John (biog)
- Boys, Sir John (via memorial stones)
- Bracing
- Bressumer
- Brett family (in Research note on Hambrook history)
- Bricks and Tiles
- Broach spire
- Broken pediment
- Buckridge, Anthomy (in Research note on duels)
- Bucranium
- Buffs Altar (in Warriors’ chapel, via memorial stones)
- Buffs memorial in High Street
- Buffs statue
- Buildings Index
- Buildings Index Page
- Building lines
- Building Stones
- Building Stones Home Page
- Bungalows
- Burgate
- Burgate House
- Butterfly garden
- Buttermarket
- Buttress index
- Cadaver
- Caen stone (examples)
- Caen Stone (via Building stones index)
- Cairnes, Major Robert
- Calc-sinter or Onyx Marble (via building stones index)
- Callaway, John (Research note)
- Callow, William (CT article)
- Cannon, William (in CT article on Millers Field)
- Canterbury car (CT article)
- Canterbury Cathedral
- Canterbury cross (cathedral)
- Canterbury cross (CT article)
- Canterbury duels (CT article)
- Canterbury fascists (CT article)
- Canterbury in World War I (Research note)
- Canterbury to Whitstable Railway
- Canterbury West railway station
- Capitals in Gabriel Chapel
- Capitals in western crypt
- Capital index
- Carboniferous Limestone
- Carrara Marble
- Cartouche
- Carved bricks and Terracotta work
- Carved capital
- Castle
- Cathedral Bells
- Cathedral bug (Argas Reflexus)
- Cathedral Chapels
- Cathedral Library
- Cathedral Overview and Home Page
- Cathedral paintings
- Cathedral podcasts
- Cathedral Precincts
- Cathedral Reference Sources
- Cathedral stained glass
- Cathedral Stones Index
- Cathedral towers (names)
- Catslide
- Cavetto
- Ceaseless – endless’ stone
- Cemetery
- Cenotaph
- Central nave (Viewpoint 2)
- Chalk
- Chalk (via Building stones index)
- Chamfered rustication
- Chapels
- Chapels in the Crypt of the Cathedral
- Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalene
- Chapter House eastern window
- Chapter House western window
- Chapter House (Viewpoint 16)
- Chassagne Stone
- CHAS St Alphege Scans (of city trails)
- Chaucer statue
- Chaucer, Geoffrey (biog)
- Chaucer, Geoffrey (statue)
- Chequerwork (or diaper)
- Chequer of Hope
- Chequer tower (via index to towers)
- Chevron
- Chichele, Archbishop (biog)
- Chichele, Archbishop (via memorial stones index)
- Choir House
- Choir screen (parclose)
- Choir (Viewpoint 13)
- Christchurch Gate
- Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593)
- Christ Church gate (CT article)
- Cinquefoil
- City Centre Map & Exploring Canterbury
- Clasping buttress
- Clerestory
- Clipsham Stone
- Cloisters (general)
- Cloisters (Viewpoint 15)
- Cloister Bosses
- Close studding
- Coade stone
- Cocks, Thomas (via memorial stones index)
- Cogan’s house
- Cogging or Sawtooth
- Coligny, Odet de (biog)
- Coligny, Odet de (via memorial stones index)
- Compass Rose
- Composite order
- Conquest House
- Contact Us
- Cooper gallery
- Cooper’s almshouses
- Cooper, Thomas Sidney (biog)
- Cooper, Thomas S (CT article)
- Cooper, Thomas S (in CT aerticle on Millers Field)
- Cooper, Thomas S (in Research note on Hambrook Marshes)
- Corbels or brackets – satyresses
- Corbels (CT article)
- Corbel (definition)
- Corinthian capital
- Cornice
- Coronation Window
- Corona (names of towers)
- Corona (Viewpoint 7)
- Corruption in Canterbury elections (CT article)
- County Gaol & Court House
- County gaol (CT article)
- County Hotel (now Abode) (in Research note on electricity supply)
- Count Zborowski (1895-1924)
- Coursed flint
- Courtenay, Archbishop (biog)
- Courtenay, Archbishop (via memorial stones index)
- Cozens’ paving stones (CT article)
- Cozens’ paving stones (via Street scenes)
- Cozens, Walter (biog)
- Cozens, Walter (in CT article on Matilda Hacker)
- Cozens, Walter (in Research note on Matilda Hacker)
- Crab and Winkle railway
- Crenellation
- Crescent moon
- Crocket
- Crocketed capital
- Cromwellian House
- Crossing (Viewpoint 12)
- Crown post
- Crowther, Joseph (in Research note on duels)
- Crow steps
- Crypt (memorial stones)
- Cupola
- Curvilinear tracery
- Cushion capital
- Cushman, Robert
- Cusp (Kentish tracery or Kentish cusp)
- Cyma
- Dagger (in tracery)
- Dane John Gardens
- Dark Entry
- Davidson, Archbishop (biog)
- Davidson, Archbishop (via memorial stones index)
- Dawson, Henry (in CT aticle on the Canterbury car)
- Dawson, Ralph M (in Research note on local fascists)
- Dean Nevil
- Dean’s chapel (cathedral – names of chapels)
- Decorated Styles 2 (details)
- Decorated style 1 (windows)
- Decoration index (24 features showing local examples)
- Deller, Alfred (via memorial stones index)
- Dentils
- Diagonal buttress
- Diaper work
- Dickens (Postcards)
- Dickens, Charles
- Diocletian window
- Dogtooth
- Domestic buildings style index
- Door knockers (via Street Scenes)
- Doric capital
- Dormer
- Double overhang or jetties
- Doulting Stone
- Dragon beam
- Dragon post
- Drip moulding
- Drop tracery
- Drum tower
- Duels
- Dunstan (biog)
- Dunstan (cathedral windows)
- Dunstan (church)
- Dutch gable
- Eanswythe (Saint)
- Early English church style
- Eastbridge Hospital
- Eastern Ambulatory (Bethersden Marble)
- Easter sepulchre
- Eastry, Prior (biog)
- Eastry, Prior (via memorial stones index)
- East crypt (Viewpoint 21)
- Ecclesiastical styles index
- Edgar Evelyn Ravenhill DSO (1859-1907)
- Edwardian style
- Edward Parry (1830-1890)
- Edward the Confessor’s chapel (cathedral – names of chapels)
- Edward the Confessor’s chapel (details)
- Edward Youde (1924-1986)
- Egg and dart moulding
- Egyptian style
- Electricity boxes (via Street Scenes)
- Electricity supply (CT article)
- Electricity supply (Research note)
- Elham Valley railway line (in Research note on Hambrook Marshes)
- Elizabeth II, Queen (statuette)
- Engaged column
- English bond
- Entablature
- Erasmus (biog)
- Ernulf statue (crypt)
- Ethelbert, King (biog)
- Evangelists
- Excursions and other Summer Events
- External Cathedral Views (viewpoint 18)
- Fabric Stones sorted by Area
- Fairbrass, Percy (CT article)
- Fairbrass, Percy (Research note)
- Falstaff Hotel
- Fanlights
- Fan vault
- Fan Vaulting
- Farrar Lamp Post (via Biggleston)
- Farrar Lamp Post (via Cathedral Precincts Viewpoint)
- Farrar, Dean (Research note)
- Fascists in Canterbury (CT article)
- Fascists in Canterbury (Research note)
- Fawakhir Breccia
- Features Index (Architectural)
- Ferramenta
- Ferricrete
- Finial
- Firewatchers
- Fire Hooks
- Fire Insurance Marks (CT article)
- Fire Insurance Marks (via Street Scenes)
- First Archbishops’ Window (in cloisters)
- Fish Market (CT article)
- Fish Market (description)
- Flared header
- Flemish bond
- Flemish gable (Dutch gable)
- Flemish garden bond
- Flint Index (in Architecture)
- Flint (via Building stones index)
- Floor stones 1 – east of the crossing
- Floor stones 2 – steps leading to the pulpitum
- Floor stones 3 – the Nave
- Floor stones 4 – the Crypt
- Floor stones 5 – the Great Cloister
- Floor stones 6 – the Chapter House
- Floor stones – sorted by area
- Flushwork
- Fluting
- Flying buttress
- Foliate head
- Foliate Heads – Greenery
- Foliate Heads – Subjects
- Foliate Heads – where to find them
- Folkestone Stone
- Font (description)
- Font (via memorial stones index)
- Fotherby, Dean (biog)
- Foundry mark
- Four-centred arch
- Frater
- Frederick Temple (1821-1902)
- Fresco
- Friends’ Meeting House
- Full pediment
- Furley, George (in CT article on arrival of telephones)
- Gablet
- Gabriel chapel (cathedral viewpoint 22)
- Galleting
- Garderobe
- Gargoyles
- Gas fittings (via Street Scenes)
- General Sir Mark Walker VC KCB (1827-1902)
- Geometric tracery
- George Rigden (1815-1904)
- Georgian style
- Gibbons, Orlando via (memorial stones index)
- Gibbons, Orlando (biog)
- Gipps Family Tree
- Gipps, George MP (biog)
- Gipps, George (via memorial stones index)
- Gipps, Sir George (biog)
- Godfrey, Francis (via memorial stones index)
- Godfrey, Francis (via Warrior chapel)
- Godmersham Gateway
- Gostling, William
- Gothic revival style
- GPO plates (CT article)
- GPO plates (via Street Scenes)
- Graffiti in the Crypt
- Grants
- Gray, Stephen (CT article)
- Gray, Stephen (Research note)
- Gray, Thomas (in Research note on Hambrook Marshes)
- Great South Window (stained glass)
- Greek revival style
- Green Court
- Green Court Gate or Court Gate
- Green Men (Foliate Heads) Introduction
- Greyfriars
- Grisaille
- Groin vault
- Ground beam
- Guildhall
- Guilloche
- Gun loop
- Guttae
- Hacker family (CT article)
- Hacker family (Research note)
- Hales, James (biog)
- Halhed, Harriet (biog)
- Hall, John Green (architect) (CT article)
- Hall, John Green (biography)
- Hanging tile
- Harris, Lord (via memorial stones index)
- Hart, Henry (in CT article on arrival of telephones)
- Hasted, Edward (biog)
- Hatched work (wall)
- Hatchment
- Hawks Lane (in CT article on venereal disease)
- Haydon, Sir John (in Research note of duels)
- Hayes, John and Peggy awards (CT article)
- Header bond
- Henry IV’s Tomb
- Henry IV (biog)
- Henry IV (via memorial stones index)
- Henry Weekes (1807-1877)
- Henry Weekes (Research note)
- Henry Yevele (c.1320-1400)
- Henty, GA (writer)
- Herringbone work
- High altar
- Hill, Cissie (biog)
- Hipped roof
- Historic Canterbury Trees (CT article)
- History
- History & Architecture of the Choir
- History & Architecture of the Crypt
- History & Architecture of the Nave
- Holland family (via warrior chapel)
- Holland, Lady Margaret (via memorial stones index)
- Holy Innocents’ chapel (cathedral – names of chapels)
- Holy Innocents’ chapel (via memorial stones index)
- Holy Water Stoup (installed 2010)
- Homersham, Samuel C (in Research note on Water works)
- Hood mould
- Hopton Wood Stone (via building stones index)
- House of Agnes
- Howley, Archbishop (biography)
- Howley, Archbishop (via memorial stones index)
- Hubert Walter (c. 1160 – 1205)
- Jade hand axe (CT article)
- James Simmons (1741-1807)
- James Six (1730-1793)
- Jenkins, Frank (via oral histories)
- Jesse Windows
- Jesus chapel (via cathedral – names of chapels)
- Jesus Hospital
- Jetty
- Joan de Mohun (via memorial stones index)
- Joan Russell Drawings of Canterbury Street Scenes in 1943 and 1944
- John and Ann Smith’s almshouses
- John Lyly (1554-1606)
- John Morton (section on monument in Memorial and Fittings Stones in Crypt )
- John Peckham (Pecham) (1230-1292)
- John Stratford (c.1275-1348)
- John Wesley (1703-1791)
- Kalli the Inuit (CT article)
- Karl Marx (1818-1883)
- Kemp, Archbishop (biog)
- Kemp, Archbishop (via memorial stones index)
- Kentish ragstone
- Kentish Ragstone (via Cathedral stones)
- Kentish tracery
- Kent Cyclist Battalions (memorial stones)
- Kent Cyclist Battalion (CT article)
- Kent Cyclist Battalion (Research note)
- Kent peg tiles
- Key pattern
- King’s Bridge, King’s Mill and the Weavers
- Kitty the Marlowe memorial (CT article)
- Knapped and coursed flint
- Label stop
- Lacings
- Lady Elizabeth Trivet
- Lady Elizabeth Trivet (d. 1433)
- Lady Joan de Mohun (d. 1404)
- Lady Wootton’s Green
- Lamb of God roof boss
- Lancet window
- Lanfranc
- Langton, Archbishop (via memorial stones index)
- Langton, Archbishop (via Warrior chapel)
- Lantern
- Lavoux (or Lepine) Stone (via stones index)
- Lawrence Lyle MBE (1923-2019)
- Leaded lights
- Lectern
- Lecture Programme 2024/5
- Lee, Dave
- Lefevre, Charles & William
- Letter boxes (via Street Scenes)
- Lierne rib vaulting
- Life of Becket Window
- Life of Thomas Becket (cathedral window)
- Links
- Lists of Deans, Priors, Archbishops
- Lloyds & Santander Banks
- Longley, Charles Thomas (via memorial stones index)
- Long and short work
- Lord Harris (1851-1932)
- Lotus bud capital
- Louvred shutters
- Lt Colonel John Stuart (d. 1808)
- Lukey, Edward (in Research note on electricity supply)
- Lunette
- Lychgate
- Machicolation
- Main Altar
- Major Robert Macpherson Cairnes (1785-1815)
- Mannock, ‘Mick’ (biog)
- Mannock, ‘Mick’ (in Research note on WW1)
- Mansard
- Maquettes (Research note)
- Marks & Spencer
- Marlowe Arcade
- Marlowe arcade (CT article)
- Marlowe theatre
- Marlowe, Christopher (Kitty memorial)
- Marquise Stone (via stones index)
- Martyrdom Door
- Martyrdom (memorial stones)
- Martyrdom (via cathedral – names of chapels)
- Martyrdom (Viewpoint 4, NW Transept)
- Marx, Karl (CT article)
- Mary Magdalen chapel (cathedral – names of chapels)
- Mary Tourtel (1874-1948)
- Masonic Library & Museum
- Master’s Lodge
- Mathematical tiles
- Maynard and Cotton Hospital
- Medieval tombs (Research note)
- Membership
- Memorials and Fittings Index A to Z
- Memorial & Fittings Stones sorted by Area
- Metal covers (from Street Scene pages)
- Methodist Church
- MIllers’ Field (CT article)
- Miracle Windows North Aisle
- Miracle Windows South Aisle
- Miscellaneous Stones – unclassified
- Modern commercial
- Modern Domestic Architectural Style
- Modillions
- Mohun, Lady (biog)
- Mosaics (via Street Scenes)
- Mosley, Oswald (in Research note on local fascists)
- Mouchette
- Moulded bricks
- Moulding index
- Mulberry House (Stour Street)
- Mullion
- Muntin
- Musicians’ Window
- Nailhead
- Nasons (shop now closed)
- Nathan, Baron (CT article)
- Nathan, Baron (Research note)
- Nathan, Isaac (Research note)
- Nave West Window
- Neo-Classical Churches
- News
- New Venue for Face to Face Meetings
- New Website Launch
- NE transept tower (via tower index)
- NE transept (Viewpoint 5)
- Nicholas Wotton (c. 1497-1567)
- Nogging
- Non-conformist
- Normandy Veterans Association (via memorial stones index)
- Norman Entry Staircase
- Norman style
- Northern stone (via stones index)
- Northgate & St Mary’s Church
- North aisle of crypt (Viewpoint 20)
- North aisle Trinity chapel (Viewpoint 6)
- North nave (Viewpoint 3)
- North Oculus
- North West Tower (Cathedral)
- Notebook News – May 2021
- Note for potential Authors of research
- Novello, Ivor (in Research note on Hambrook Marshes)
- Ogee
- Old Door
- Old Postcards
- Old street names (via Street Scenes)
- Onyx Marble or Calc-sinter (via stones index)
- Open pediment
- Opus Alexandrinum
- Oral History Index
- Orange Street Theatre
- Orders index
- Organ
- Oriel window
- Ostiarius Choiri (Choir Screen Chair)
- Other Meetings & Events (not organised by CHAS)
- Otterden Place (in CT article on Stephen Gray)
- Our Lady in the Undercroft
- Ovolo
- Oxford tower (via towers index)
- Panelling
- Pantiles
- Papal Visit (John Paul II)
- Parchment weave
- Pargeting
- Pattress Plates
- Paul and the Viper
- Pearson, Lady Grace (in Research note on local fascism)
- Peek memorial (CT article)
- Peek, Bertrand (CT article)
- Pendant
- Pentise – sometimes written pentice
- Perpendicular style
- Perpendicular tracery
- Perpendicular (or panel or rectilinear) tracery
- Philip, Prince (statuette)
- Phone Boxes (via Street Scenes)
- Phyffers Figures Update
- Phyffers, Theodore (CT article)
- Pilaster
- Pilgrim’s Steps
- Piscina
- Plane Tree
- Plastic stone
- Plate tracery
- Pole, Archbishop (biog)
- Pole, Archbishop (precincts)
- Poor Priests’ Hospital
- Poppyhead
- Portico
- Portland stone (local examples)
- Portland Stone (via building stones index)
- Precincts (and Cardinal Pole)
- Precincts (Viewpoint 17)
- Prior’s Throne (in Chapter House)
- Prude, William (via Memorial Stones)
- Publications
- Pub Names (Research note)
- Pulpit
- Pulpitum screen
- Pulpitum (cathedral details)
- Pulpit (nave) (via memorial stones index)
- Purbeck Limestone (via building stones index)
- Purbeck marble via Architectural Styles
- Purbeck Marble (via building stones index)
- Purlin
- Putti
- Rail (in wainscot)
- Recent Books
- Rechabite House
- Reculver Columns (in crypt)
- Reculver columns (via memorial stones index)
- Redemption Window
- Regency Style
- Reid, Edmund (Research note)
- Reid, James (detective who failed to catch the Ripper – CT)
- Reigate Stone (via stones index)
- Renaissance Architecture (Domestic)
- Research
- Reticulated tracery
- Reticulated Tracery
- Rib terminology
- Rib vault
- Riding Gate
- Ripper detective (CT article)
- Roll moulding
- Roman Style
- Roof index
- Rooke, Admiral (via Warrior chapel)
- Rooke, Finch (in Research note on duelis)
- Rose Lane Car Park Frieze
- Roundels
- Royal window (Edward IV)
- Rustication
- Sainsbury’s
- Saint Eanswythe
- Sawtooth or Cogging (brickwork)
- Scissor brace
- Scroll pediment
- Seduction Law (CT article)
- Shallow bay window
- Sheppard Window
- Sidney Cooper’s Artwork
- Simon Meopham (d. 1333) (via memorial stones index)
- Simon Sudbury (1316-1381)
- Sir George Rooke (1650-1709) (via memorial stones index)
- Sir Roger Manwood (1525-1592)
- Sir Thomas More (1478-1535)
- Site Index
- Six, James (CT article)
- Slate (via stone index)
- Somerset Maugham (1874-1965)
- Son of Man Statue
- South Aisle of Crypt (Viewpoint 22)
- South East Transept & Anselm Chapel (Viewpoint 9)
- South nave (Viewpoint 11)
- South West Tower
- South West Tower (Dunstan or Oxford Tower)
- South Window (stained glass)
- Spire
- Split cusp (or Kentish tracery or Kentish cusp)
- Squared flint
- Stalls
- Starr family memorial
- Stellar (or Star) vault
- Stepped gable
- Steve Rogers Postcard Series – Hotels
- Stiff leaf
- Stock brick
- Stoup (cathedral details)
- Stoup (definition)
- Strainer arch
- Strapwork
- Stratford, Archbishop (biog)
- Street Scenes
- Stretcher bond
- String course
- Stucco work
- St Alphege Window
- St Alphege (953-1012)
- St Alphege’s chapel (cathedral – names of chapels)
- St Alphege’s Church
- St Andrew’s chapel (cathedral – names of chapels)
- St Anselm chapel – altar
- St Anselm chapel – painting
- St Anselm Chapel – Window
- St Anselm (1033-1109)
- St Anselm’s chapel (cathedral – names of chapels)
- St Anselm’s chapel (via memorial stones index)
- St Augustine of Canterbury (453-604)
- St Augustine's Abbey
- St Augustine’s Abbey
- St Augustine’s Chair
- St Augustine’s chapel (cathedral – names of chapels)
- St Dunstan – window
- St Dunstan (910-988)
- St Dunstan’s Church
- St Eustace (wall painting)
- St Gabriel’s chapel (in Viewpoint 22)
- St Gabriel’s chapel (via cathedral – names of chapels)
- St George’s Church
- St George’s Gate (Newingate)
- St Gregory’s chapel (cathedral – names of chapels)
- St John the Baptist chapel (via cathedral – names of chapels)
- St John’s Hospital
- St Margaret’s Church
- St Martin’s chapel (cathedral – names of chapels)
- St Martin’s Church
- St Mary Magdalen Tower
- St Mildred’s Church
- St Nicholas’ chapel (via cathedral – names of chapels)
- St Nicholas’ Harbledown
- St Paul’s Church without the walls
- St Peter’s Church
- St Stephen’s chapel (cathedral – names of chapels)
- St Thomas’ Catholic Church
- Superdrug (formerly David Greig)
- Synagogue
- Tait, Archbishop (biog)
- Tannery Site
- Telephones, arrival of (CT article)
- Temple, Archbishop (biog)
- Terracotta work
- Terry family (in CT article on seduction law)
- Thanet Sandstone (via building stones index)
- Thanington (Research note)
- Theatre Royal
- Theodore Jean Baptiste Phyffers (1821-1876)
- Theodore Phyffers – individual cathedral statuettes
- Theodore Phyffers – overview of cathedral statuettes
- Thermal window
- The Chapel of St Gregory – dedicated to Geoffrey Fisher (1887-1972)
- The Chapel of St John – dedicated to William Temple (1881-1944)
- The Deanery
- The Parrot Inn (St Radigunds Hall)
- Thomas Duke of Clarence (via memorial stones index)
- Thomas Neville (high upon south wall) (c1548 – 1615)
- Thornhurst family (memorial in Warrior chapel)
- Tierceron rib vaulting
- Timber-framed buildings
- Tournais Marble – Martyrdom
- Tower House (Postcards)
- Tracery index
- Transport Sculpture
- Treasury (cathedral)
- Trees (via Street Scenes)
- Trefoil
- Triforium
- Triglyphs
- Trimnell family (Research note)
- Trinity Chapel & Sanctuary (Viewpoint 14)
- Trinity chapel (cathedral – names of chapels)
- Trinity chapel (via plan of cathedral Viewpoints)
- Tudor window
- Tufa (via building stones index)
- Tumbling
- Tunnel vault
- Tuscan column
- Wacher family (in CT article on Canterbury cross)
- Wacher family (in Research note on Canterbury cross)
- Wagon roof
- Wainscot
- Wall lettering
- Wall Paintings Index
- Wall Paintings in Gabriel Chapel
- Walter Pater (1839-1894)
- Walter Reynolds (died-1327) (via memorial stones index)
- Walter, Archbishop (biog)
- Warriors’ Chapel (Cathedral)
- Warrior chapel (Cathedral – names of chapels)
- War Memorial Garden (index to stone work)
- War Memorial (Kent)
- Water supply (city)
- Water supply (CT article)
- Water Supply (Wincheap works Research note)
- Water Tower (Cathedral)
- Water tower (names of towers)
- Wealden house
- Weather boarding
- Weather vanes (via Street Scenes)
- Weaver window
- Weepers
- Welcome to the Canterbury Historical and Archaeological Society (CHAS)
- Welcoming Christ (nave)
- Western Crypt (Viewpoint 19)
- Westgate Gardens
- Westgate & City Gaol
- Westgate (CT article)
- West nave (Viewpoint 1)
- Whall Window
- Whitfield Memorial (Research note)
- Whitfield, John (1635-1691)
- Wilberforce Stone
- William Callow (Research Note)
- William Masters (1796-1874)
- William Prude (d. 1632)
- William Somner (1598-1669)
- William Warham (c1450-1532)
- Window index
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
- Worthgate Place
- Worthgate & Wincheap
- Wotton, Dean (biog)